green lipped mussel for dogs

Green lipped mussel for dogs

Did you know that one in four dogs can develop some form of osteoarthritis, especially as they get older? As a dog owner, you’d want your beloved pet to live a long and healthy life free from any disease or discomfort. That’s why it’s important to give them green lipped mussel for dogs as a

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Green lipped mussel for horses

You might have heard about the many uses of green-lipped mussels for horses, but what exactly are its benefits? Can horse joint supplements made from green-lipped mussels really prevent arthritis and other joint problems? How can it improve your horse’s overall health and well-being? Here are the answers to your frequently asked questions: What is green-lipped mussel

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Joint Supplements NZ

Horse arthritis supplements

Osteoarthritis is one of the most debilitating diseases in horses. This condition accounts for around 60% of lameness in horses and is responsible for thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Worst of all, there is no permanent cure for this condition. A horse with osteoarthritis is a horse with a life sentence…and a very expensive

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